Some things are natural; others are not. Phone and Internet services are not. Such communication is only a recent phenomenon. Many have come to expect it. My point is that I am biking into an area that is more natural than synthetic.
For the past day, I have been generally without phone service. Internet has been accessible at lodging sites. Internet has become a standard feature, like bed, towel, and pillows of the past.
My daily bogs may become less frequent. It does not mean I am incapacitated, but more likely closer to nature.
For example, I woke this morning, checked the weather and winds as I normally do and prepared to ride. Weather this morning showed expected winds less than 10 mph all day and zero percent chance of rain. I took the bike to the hotel lobby as I was going to pick up a light breakfast. It was raining—and did so until 8:00.
Rain is natural, weather prediction is artificial.
Fortunately, on this trip I am getting to become more accustomed to nature again. As my photo today indicates, I daily bring my bike into our room. Thievery and rain are natural. I want to protect my transportation from both.
I appreciate my followers, but I may be closer to nature than Internet the next couple weeks. Keep checking. Thanks!