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Whitehorse to Haines Junction, YT (97 miles)

Too many times Yukon history begins with the 1898 Yukon Gold Rush. In fact, human artifacts date back thousands of years.

Stopping at rest areas (about half even have pit toilets) proved a good break for my legs and mind since I do not listen to music or radio while biking. I can hear traffic coming and it is becoming a personal contest to identify the upcoming vehicle without looking in my mirror. Good ear training—kind of like I did in the military 45 years ago.

Anyway, Yukon rest area signage is being developed to relate more to natural habitat, wildlife migration, and human history of the Yukon.

Today’s photo I zoomed in on a small part of First Nation cultural history. If a bison rib was found incised (etched) 2000-4000 years ago, there is much history to discover in the Yukon besides repercussions of gold fever.